
Finding the Right Words: How to Comfort Grieving Families

Grieving family receiving condolences at a funeral

Today’s “Ask The Funeral Director” will zero in on a few do’s and don’ts of what to say to grieving families. Let’s be honest—it’s as tricky as trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope when deciding what to say to those who have experienced a close death. Even we professionals, […]

Ask The Funeral Director – Navigating Funeral Etiquette

Funeral etiquette

Etiquette? What do you mean by Etiquette? One of the most Googled questions when it comes to funerals and gatherings revolves around etiquette.  Etiquette, by definition, is the customary code of polite behavior. I love the word “polite” to describe this behavior. Polite means showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of others.  Other synonyms […]

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions on Hospice Care

hospice care

In this episode, Amber and Pete shed light on the topic of hospice care, sharing their insights and debunking common misconceptions. Amber starts by explaining how she chose this topic for the episode, drawing from her experiences with families who often express regret for not admitting their loved ones to hospice sooner. Pete raises an […]

The Price of Saying Goodbye: Insights from a Funeral Director

Funeral Prices

In this month’s episode, Amber and Pete explore the often-misunderstood topic of funeral costs and the crucial role of funeral directors in managing the intricacies of the funeral process. They discuss the perception of families regarding the costs and how funeral directors handle this sensitive issue. Amber provides insights into the professional needs that contribute […]

Sacred Grounds: Unveiling the Significance of Cemeteries in the Grief Process

Sacred Grounds: Significance of Cemeteries

In this episode, Pete and Amber are joined by Mike Miller of the Willow River Cemetery in Hudson, WI. Mike shares his personal journey, recalling how his fascination with the cemetery began when he worked there as a 15-year-old summer job worker. As the discussion unfolds, Mike opens up about the challenges and rewards of […]

Carrying the Load: Roles of Pallbearers

Roles of Pallbearers

In this episode, host Pete Waggoner and Amber Miller of O’Connell Family Funeral Homes discuss the role of pallbearers in funeral services. They explain the origin of the term “pallbearer” and its evolution to refer to individuals carrying the casket during a funeral procession. The hosts explore the process of choosing casket bearers, including age […]

Honoring a Loved One through Funeral Personalization

Honoring a Loved One through Funeral Personalization

In this episode of the Good Grief podcast, Amber Miller sits with host Pete Waggoner to discuss the topic of funeral personalization and how it can help people grieve. They explore why personalizing a funeral—from the flowers and decorations to the food after church service—can help the bereaved be reminded of their connection to their […]

Funeral Preplanning Expectations With Amber Miller

Funeral Preplanning Expectations With Amber Miller

O’Connell Funeral Homes’ Amber Miller and host Pete Waggoner welcome the new year by discussing preplanning expectations in this episode of Good Grief. Amber shares her first-hand funeral experience with families whose deceased loved ones made it easier to prepare by taking the time to plan ahead of time. The two go into detail about […]

How Preplanning Your Funeral Can Benefit You and Your Family

In this episode hosted by Pete Waggoner, Mike O’Connell and Amber Miller discuss the process of preplanning one’s funeral and its multiple benefits. They go in-depth about the different aspects of funeral preplanning, from the finances to how the actual meetings are done with family members. They also talk about how death and grief can […]

The Final Say – Writing Your Own Obituary

Today, it’s not unusual for obituaries to go viral. The reasons are often the tone (poignant to acerbic), length (War & Peace-type tomes to extreme brevity), or content (move-you-to-tears recollections to the airing of family grievances). Which begs the question: who is responsible for penning the sensational piece? Was it the deceased themselves or a […]