10:00 am - 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 3, 2023 ,
10:00 am - 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 3, 2023 ,
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 3, 2023 ,
Jerry Lynn DuMond, age 66, passed away silently on Christmas night in the comfort of his home. Jerry was born on February 7, 1956 to Gailen (Chick) and Edna DuMond. Jerry attended River Falls schools, but formal schooling was not for Dad, as he went out into the world and soon learned there wasn’t a job he couldn’t do or a friend he couldn’t make. Or a story he couldn’t tell, so I will do my best to tell his story.
So you’re born the third son, followed by two adorable daughters, but still, you’re allocated the position of being the third son. The first son is the smart one, the second son is the athlete. In those early years you can’t keep up with either of them, so you learn to just walk, to take your time, and to observe the world around you. Dad had that type of insight a person only obtains through watching, and listening. He became a charmer. Who didn’t smile when Jerry joined the party? With his deep baritone voice, Dad was a storyteller you could easily listen to. When he told a joke, he would start laughing so much before the punchline that you laughed because of his laughter regardless of the joke itself. Dad’s humor never required a punchline.
When it became my turn to find my place, Dad’s self-awareness encouraged me to find what made me happy and to not shape me into his image. Jack, Julia and Isla, the three grandchildren, found Papa fascinating and grew up embracing outings with Papa and adopting many of his hobbies and traits. Seeing Dad in them fills me with joy, and seeing him at their countless sporting events and celebrations was a true gift.
When someone passes unexpectedly, you’re not sure what you will miss most about them. You haven’t had time to think. But I believe we will miss that voice, that reassuring voice that developed as the third son found its better to walk than to run, better to listen than to take over a conversation, and better to embrace individuality, to be your own person, than to try to mold yourself into someone else’s image of you. And the laughs… the countless laughs no matter the stress of the day.
Dad helped my Grandma and Grandpa age in their own home. Each have since passed. But, Dad’s story will continue to be told by family, me, his son, and his daughter-in-law, Jeremy and Lindsay DuMond, listening to the stories will be Jerry’s three grandchildren, Jack, Julia and Isla. At the next family get-together, the choir will include Jerry’s brothers, Steve (Michele) DuMond, Jeff (Becky) DuMond and sister Bonnie Geary. Nephews and nieces Jenita (Nathan) Hall, Chance (Amy) DuMond, Steffani (Jon) Falardeaux, Justin (Monica) DuMond, Jade (Carrie) DuMond, Brittani (Ryan) Meyer, Nadine (Mat) Anderson, Anna DuMond and Aidan DuMond, along with the 18 (and counting) children of those families. Jerry’s youngest sister Gail will have her place beside Jerry in many of those stories. I would be remiss to notmention the friendship in grandparenting that developed between my Dad and my Mom, Jeannie Hautala. God love you Dad for everything you’ve given us.
Visitations will be held Tuesday, January 3rd at 10am in Hudson at the O’Connell Funeral Home, with a ceremony at 11am and lunch to follow.
Jerry was a smile or guffaw walking!! He was a gift to his parents in the help and care he provided over many years. The last time we talked, I told him he needed to gain some weight. He gave me that charming smile of his and asked if I remembered how his mom and dad looked and then he laughed! He will be missed.