Michelle “Micki” Dierks Thompson


10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Trinity Lutheran Church - West Campus
1205 6th St.
Hudson WI, 54016

Memorial Service

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 pm
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Trinity Lutheran Church - West Campus
1205 6th St.
Hudson WI, 54016

Michelle Dierks Thompson, 54, passed away surrounded by family at her home on July 10, 2023, in Hudson, WI.

Michelle Thompson was born on October 26, 1968 in River Falls, WI, to Val and Janice Dierks.  After High School, Michelle went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Communications at the University of Eau Claire Wisconsin. She was hard working and passionate about her lifelong professional career in Human Resources, earning several certifications that supported her leadership role. The companies that benefited from her knowledge and passion included, RPG (Resco Print Graphics), Brown and Caldwell, Flynn Group, and Phillips Medisize in Hudson, WI.

Michelle, best known as “Micki”, always had a smile on her face.  She was so approachable and never passed judgment on anyone. This is a trait she passed on to her children. Micki embraced people from all walks of life and always ended a conversation with “I love you.”  Micki had a green thumb and gifted plants of Swedish Ivy and Aloe Vera to anyone who would take them. She was a planner. She loved making future plans and many times that would include travel where hiking and/or history was sure to be involved.  Micki loved the southwest, specifically Arizona. Other favorite spots of hers included Palm Springs, Fort Myers, and the Cable/Hayward area in Wisconsin. Snuggling with her cats gave Micki great comfort, especially on her hard days. You will never find anything written by Micki with grammatical errors, not even her text messages.

Micki was an active community member always advocating for equal rights and taking part in organizations like the American Cancer Society, Rhino’s Foundation, United Way, Relay for Life and PanCAN-Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Finding a cure for cancer was always close to Micki’s heart.

Micki will remain in the hearts of her children Markelle “Marki” (Devrin) Myers, Mitch Thompson; parents Val and Janice Dierks; sister Heidi Dierks; grandparents Phyllis Wert, Beverly Wert; significant other Dave Plansky and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

Micki is preceded in death by her grandparents Darrel Wert, William and May Dierks.

A Memorial Service for Michelle “Micki” Thompson will be held on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1205 6th Street Hudson, WI 54016 with a visitation before from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Memorial donations can be made to the American Cancer Society or Rhino’s Foundation.


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6 Responses

  1. I am so so sorry for your loss. I met Micki years ago and convinced her to model in a breast cancer fashion show which she really didn’t want to do…..I told her she would WOW the crowd and indeed she did!! We shared our breast cancer anniversaries throughout the years, so I was so sad to learn of the rest of her cancer journey. I have never met anyone with such an amazing, beautiful smile and positive attitude on what life sent her way. My heart goes out to you all

  2. I was so sad to hear this devastating news about our sweet Micki. I will never forget when we first met. We were both pretty new in our HR Manager positions at Phillips Medisize and both being “Michelles”, we had that starting connection…but it was so much more, the compassion and empathy we had for others and just wanting to make a positive difference. Micki is a shining light and I loved every moment we spent together. I enjoyed our talks, we were colleagues and we were good friends. I admire and respect her so much. The love for her family, just so evident and that smile, well it made you feel special. Our last message we had to each other, she said to me that I made the world a better place, my response to her, so do you my friend. I am heartbroken for you and your family as they face this journey. Micki was so authentic and so true. I will forever miss you my friend 👩‍❤️‍👩

  3. Mickie was a great lady. I was in a H.R. group with her for several years and always profited from her knowledge. Her life was way to short. My sympathy.

  4. I was so sorry to hear about Micki today. She was one of the ones who was so special – her smile and her caring soul. She was my HR rep at Brown and Caldwell and took great care of my team and I. She CARED. I was so sad when she left BC, but I am sadder now knowing she is no longer with us. She will be missed.

  5. I was so extremely saddened to hear about Micki. I worked with her for several years at Brown and Caldwell. She was such a wonderful person and a joy to work with. I was very sad to see her leave Brown and Caldwell. Definitely one of the good ones. Keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers as they navigate through this difficult time.

  6. I cherish the 8 years I worked with Micki at Brown and Caldwell in our Saint Paul office. She was such a positive, friendly, bright spot in an otherwise boring group of engineers. It was a special time when we carpooled to the office from Hudson and shared the stories of our kids high school exploits. I looked forward to the green and gold cupcakes she brought to the office after the Packer victories over the Vikings. And the pink pens and notepads for breast cancer awareness she would leave on your office chair. I’m so fortunate our paths crossed. She is as beloved by her co-workers as she is her family and friends.

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