Sandra was a wonderful sister-in-law and I enjoyed the time we spent together. She is missed and loved.
Sandra J. Ellstrom age 77, of Lakeland, Minnesota, passed of May 14th, 2023. Sandra was born to Daryl Harris and Verla (Benjamin) Harris in 1945.
Sandra’s life can be shown through a verse from John 16:22 “So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” Sandra enjoyed her time traveling and making the world known. She made a life full of adventure with road trips, and exploration of different countries and states. Sandra made sure to share her love for travel with her family, making meaningful memories with her children, grandchildren and many of the people they met along the way.
Sandra was a wonderful sister-in-law and I enjoyed the time we spent together. She is missed and loved.