
Dawson Oachs

On March 14th, 2024, Dawson Alan Oachs was born sleeping at St. John’s Hospital, Maplewood, MN. Little Dawson Alan was born at 35 weeks, he weighed 5lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long. Although Dawson was born sleeping, we will forever cherish the photos, snuggles and kisses we were able to share with him. We had many hopes and dreams for our angel Dawson but the Lord had other plans and called him home to heaven.

Dawson Alan will never be forgotten and forever live in the hearts of his parents Lucas and Brooke and two-year old big brother, Deacon, along with his German Shepherd sister, Chee Chee. Dawson is welcomed in heaven with open arms by his two angel siblings, his grandpa Bradley Oachs, and his cousin Amelia.

The family will honor Dawson’s life privately when they lay him to rest on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

In lieu of flowers, the family wishes for donations to be made in Dawson’s memory to Halos of St. Croix Valley, a non–profit organization who has helped, not only our family during this troubling time, but thousands of others who have also lost a child.

“I am Jesus’ little lamb, Ever glad at heart I am,
For my Shepherd gently guides me,
knows my needs, and well provides me,
Loves me ev’ry day the same, even calls me by my name.

Day by day, at home, away, Jesus is my staff and stay.
When I hunger, Jesus feeds me, into pleasant pastures leads me;
When I thirst, He bids me go Where the quiet waters flow.

Who so happy as I am, Even now the Shepherd’s lamb?
And when my short life is ended, By His angel host attended,
He shall fold me to His breast, There within His arms to rest.”