Put the “you” in eulogy – write your own!

Yes, you read that title right. While writing your own eulogy may seem, at best, slightly pessimistic and, at worst, slightly narcissistic, it’s actually a really good idea.

Although we all hope that we have many more days ahead of us, tragedies happen.

Writing your own eulogy can help you reflect on your life and think about how you want to live that life going forward. You can read it often and see if you are living up to your own words.

In the midst of your loved ones’ grief, the last thing they need to be worried about is putting together the perfect eulogy. Because of this, taking the time to write your own is a selfless act. Here are some reasons to put the pen to paper and try to do yourself justice:

1. Relieve pressure on loved ones. After a loss, the people you love most will be desperate to honor you as best as they can. Coming up with the right words to say can be an unnecessary burden on those who are already mourning such a huge loss.

2. Make it personal. It may seem obvious, but no one knows you like you! By writing your own eulogy, you can ensure that your favorite accomplishments and memories are highlighted.

3. Give the gift of a new story. You can use your eulogy to reveal a funny story or touching memory that your loved ones have never heard. This gift from beyond the grave is a precious and unforgettable gesture.

If you’re facing writer’s block or would like more tips for funeral pre-planning, contact O’Connell Family Funeral Homes today.