Funeral Preplanning Expectations With Amber Miller

Funeral Preplanning Expectations With Amber Miller

O’Connell Funeral Homes’ Amber Miller and host Pete Waggoner welcome the new year by discussing preplanning expectations in this episode of Good Grief. Amber shares her first-hand funeral experience with families whose deceased loved ones made it easier to prepare by taking the time to plan ahead of time. The two go into detail about the different aspects of prearranging—from the frequency and length of the sessions to the prepayment process and the specifics being discussed during the meetings. They also talk about how funeral pre-arrangement can be done in the comfort of home and how families can benefit greatly from this process.

This episode is a must-listen for those considering preplanning their funeral, as well as those who are already in the process of doing so. Because “A goal without a plan is just a wish,” as said by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.


  1. Funeral pre-arranging lightens the load and grief of the mourning family.
  2. Talking about death and funerals does not have to be uncomfortable.

In this episode:

[1:20] Pete Waggoner opens the discussion by asking Amber Miller what makes prearranging so important. Amber shares how she has encountered family members at funerals who are grateful that their deceased loved one or a relative has taken the time to plan ahead of time.

[4:29] Amber and Pete talk about where pre-arranging meetings usually take place. Amber also gives insight on how the conversation begins with the help of a deck of cards they have prepared for the purpose of guiding families throughout their discussion.

[8:23] Amber discusses the length of prearranging sessions and how frequent they should be. She mentions how it differs from family to family and that some clients finish their funeral preplanning in one meeting while others might require more.

[11:55] The two talk about the prepayment process and installment plans available. Amber reiterates that the prearranging process itself is 100% free and that it’s completely up to the family if they choose to pay for their funeral services in advance.

[14:06] Amber shares about O’Connell Funeral Homes’ advance preplanning guide which may serve as a workbook that will walk families and individuals through the process of pre-arranging their funeral.


  1. O’Connell Funeral Homes
  2. Amber Miller
  3. Advance Planning Guide
  4. Pre-planning Tools
  5. Read Transcript Here


  1. “I think they can expect a comfortable environment…because we follow your lead.” – Amber Miller, on what people can expect when they come to the funeral home
  2. “When you go back and look at this, it can be a very empowering thing for all.” – Pete Waggoner on funeral prearranging