The death of someone we love breaks our hearts, and grief sets in. Grief’s synonyms are sorrow, misery, sadness, pain, distress, agony, torment, heartache, desolation, dejection, and angst…. Ok, I think you get it! Grief is overwhelming and knows no boundaries. But besides emotional feelings, it causes a myriad of physical issues too. When we don’t get enough sleep it impacts our immune system, our mood, and our ability to handle our day-to-day tasks. Simply put, lack of sleep can make us feel worse, it adds insult to injury.
But on a positive, let’s talk about what one can do to help offset insomnia.
8 tips to help you get a good night sleep:
- SKIP THE NAP – As much as we may love them, try not to nap as it makes sleeping later tougher!
- FAMILY TIME – Spend time with family and friends. Hang out with people who love you for who you are and listen to you.
- DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS – Leave the drinks and pills in the cupboard! Alcohol is a depressant and only gives brief relief while drugs only mask your feelings. Grief will be waiting for you when everything wears off!
- GET MOVING – Wake your endorphins up. Physical exercise is clinically proven to make you feel better.
- EAT HEALTHY – Don’t drown your sorrows in a vat of ice cream. Foods that disagree with you physically or mentally also have a negative effect on sleep.
- BEDTIME ROUTINE – Create a routine that is quiet and calming at bedtime. Aromatherapy, tea, soft music, soothing baths, reading, and meditation can be great means to help you relax and fall asleep.
- JOURNAL – Journaling emotions Create a journal of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Read what you wrote out loud. Getting pent up emotions out can be liberating.
- PRAY – Give it to God if you are spiritual. Praying in a quiet spot for healing and thanksgiving can be very helpful.