Distracted driving affects us all

Life can change in a matter of a second. Just ask Tom and Wendy Goeltz of Hudson. On February 29th, 2016, their young, beautiful and full of life daughter, Megan Goeltz was tragically killed in an auto accident. To make matters worse, it could have and should have been prevented. Distracted driving due to a cell […]

Helpful advice for grieving during the Holiday season

Holidays are filled with traditions, but when someone you used to share those moments with has died, managing grief during the holiday season can be particularly challenging. Mental and physical preparation are your best tools for managing the feelings that may accompany holidays. While family members, particularly children, may want things to be as they’ve […]

How did they die?

Imagine you’ve just gotten an important phone call from a friend that one of your favorite coworkers just died. You’re in disbelief. You just talked to them! What happened?? No one seems to know. It is a heartbreaking situation, and you don’t want to sound insensitive, but you want to know what happened. You check […]

Trees donated to Willow River Cemetery

Their memories live on! Kaila Fouks, the beloved daughter of Gary and Nancy Fouks of Hudson, died tragically in 2015 as a result of an auto accident. Kaila’s free spirit, infectious smile, and sweet nature touched the lives of those around her. She loved the outdoors and was active with animals and nature. Her grave is […]

Paths to Peace Grief Support Group

“Grieving is as natural as crying when you are hurt, sleeping when you are tired, or eating when you are hungry… It is nature’s way of healing a broken heart.” ~Doug Manning The death of someone we love changes our lives forever. And the movement from the “before” to the “after” is almost always a long, painful […]